Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sensational Vs Sensationalist

It is really unsurprising that some of our TV News Channels have really high TRP than you would normally expect. Reporting News which is unbiased and not sensensational is almost a rarity these days. One has to really be careful when listening to any Indian News Channel in not getting misinformed. Consider these Headlines, " War on Bangalore", "Papacy a Disaster", "India caught with its Pants Down" etc. These kind of arresting sensationalist headlines do not make facts however emphatic and dramatic they might sound. Looks like our Media people are only glorified, high-profile, gossip-mongers, who unwittingly deliver some news in their whole process of gossiping and getting people of rival ideologies to fight.
Until I started following our Media, I used to think it is only our Political Leaders who are ill-mannered and uncivil. But out Media people are more sophisticated than them. They know how to bring out the best from our Netas.
Popular Debate Shows being far from any Intellectual Exercise in a Democratic System, they have become cheap source of genuine entertainment for the Middle-Classes of India. The Moderators always try and get the People involved in these "discussions" to make provocative statements and then ask the other person involved to "respond to that quickly since we're running out of time." What a sublime intellectual exercise! Stay tuned for more from India's Infotainment Industry...

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